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MIT Offers Technology To Help US Regain Its Place As A Semiconductor Superpower __EXCLUSIVE__

None of these initiatives alone can end U.S. dependence on Taiwan for fabricating most of the semiconductors that are critical to American technological leadership; economic and military security, and stability in the Indo-Pacific region. That said, successfully meeting four challenges can reduce supply chain risk for this critical technology and help support the interdependence between a free Taiwan and U.S. leadership.

MIT offers technology to help US regain its place as a semiconductor superpower

In that period, the United States launched a series of novel policy attempts to try to help small firms and start-ups at the cutting edge of technological innovation grow and compete in global markets. These programs included streamlining technology transfer with the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980, which gave universities rights to patents that resulted from federally funded R&D, and the Stevenson-Wydler Act, also in 1980, which introduced similar incentives for federal laboratories. It also included the Manufacturing Extension Partnership to bring new processes to small manufacturers and the Small Business Innovation Research program to support small firms and startups in developing technologies from their research. Other policy initiatives sought to support those businesses seeking to gain a competitive edge via innovation. The programs included the Advanced Technology Program to support technology development at companies; SEMATECH to restore US semiconductor leadership through manufacturing quality and efficiency improvements; and the R&D tax credit to encourage companies to invest in research and development. 041b061a72

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